From unique car-accessing electronics to LED microlights built right into the grip, keys are evolving in new ways for the first time in centuries. These two crafty designs add another layer of functionality (helping you keep keys and attachments Invhandy) without messy moving parts, replacement-requiring batteries or other accessories.

Need to clip your key onto something? Just snap back a section of the top on this one, like you would a climbing carabiner, and latch it onto a zipper, flashlight or … another key entirely.

Still have enough keys to require a split ring to hold them all? How about having it built right into the key blank of, say, your primary key – this has the subtle added benefit of making one key (say, your front door, or whatever is most important or used) stand out from the pack as well.

Unlike some of the more fanciful industrial designs and inventions of Amron Experimental (some of which are shown above), these are in actual test and pre-production phases:Â “The Carabiner [and Split Ring] Key Blank[s] can link independently to keyrings, keychains, belt loops and shoelaces. Have [each] key cut at your local hardware store or lock shop to match your key and fit your lock. It is a real working key blank.”
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