Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk-Screened Designs

trip 3 drawers Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk Screened Designs

The modern baroque-inspired dressers from Italian company Seletti encompass sleek and curvy features into a modern packaging. The reinterpretation of classic design seems to suit the artist’s intentions of creating a cheerful but stylish furniture collection. With Selad as designers and Seletti as manufacturers, these cool and fresh dressers are a result of skillful manufacturing: silk – screened wood turned into modern versions of classic dressers. These bright and youthful chests can change the atmosphere of a space. The larger, bulkier three-drawer chest Trip 3 Drawers measures 100 x 48 x 84 cm, while the smaller one – Trip 2 Drawers – measures 101 x 39 x76 cm. The finishing touches were done by hand and customers can choose from five different skins: Pois (polka dots), Righe Colore (color stripes), Mappa Bianca (white map), Mappa Nera (black map), and Pied-de-Poule (houndstooth).

trip 3 drawers 2 Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk Screened Designs

trip 3 drawers 3 Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk Screened Designs

trip 3 drawers 4 Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk Screened Designs

trip 3 drawers 5 Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk Screened Designs

trip 3 drawers 6 Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk Screened Designs

trip 3 drawers 7 Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk Screened Designs

trip 3 drawers 8 Sleek Dressers Featuring Colorful Silk Screened Designs

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