Why should small children be the only ones enjoying the sweet comfort and peaceful swings of a cradle? This is probably the rhetorical question that triggered the idea of creating a cradle for adults. Richard Clarkson in collaboration with Grace Emmanual, Brodie Campbell, Jeremy Broker, Eamon Moore, Kahlivia Russell and Joya Boerrigter took the idea of some adults always bearing a child side within to another level. According to the project developers, “Cradle is about creating a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment in which the user can dissipate the overstimulation of their senses. The design was heavily directed by a synthesis of research into Autism and children with Rhythmic Movement Disorder (RMD), as well as saftey, sustainability, function and aesthetics. The chair is designed for maximum relaxation, comfort and calmness“. We are intrigued by the design of this “cradle for adults” (initially spotted on Beautiful Life) and we know that even most of you out there won’t admit it, you would love to take this comfortable bed for a swing.

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