Chaos and mess are all around us, forcing us to organize and clean space in a never-ending battle against entropy. Or, to put a more positive spin on the same concept: maybe organization is a way of gaining control and making sense of the world around us.

Ursus Wehrli has conceded that no one can really ‘clean up’ a Jackson Pollock (short of returning the paint to its original cans), but Chagall, Seraut, Warhol and Klee are all fair game.

Beyond Kunst Aufrauemen (German for ‘Art Cleanup’), though, Ursus has applied his absurdist artistic touch to all kinds of other item collections, from pine tree branches and alphabet soups to park-going picnickers and automobile parking lots.

This playful and prolific individual has as series of books on the subject of organization and has also given great talks at conferences like TED discussing everything from modern art to intrepid perfectionism that transcends simply neat or tidy.
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