Though christened for his diligent championing of their perfection, Plato did not in fact invent (or rather: discover) these five classic solids, once associated with old earthen elements like earth, water, wind and fire. Later luminaries like Euclid and Kepler revisited these forms as well.

Following in these many famous footsteps, Luís Porém, has crafted a series of single-colored, multi-toned rugs that take the shape of each solid in unfolded form: the Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.

“The platonic rugs collection born from the continuity of my path as a product designer. This planned representation of the 5 platonic solids acts as a bridge between the three-dimensional and two-dimensional world.”

Plato and his contemporaries might consider this incarnation of their ideas to be borderline fascination … or might acknowledge them as consistent. After all, they believed that everything was, one way or another, made up of such perfect shapes, with imperfections necessarily introduced when each came in contact with everyday reality.
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