Looking for a creative idea to run an original advertising campaign? Then you might like this new concept elaborated by Dutch agency Fresh Green Ads. They came up with the RainCampaign for travel agency D-reizen, which consisted in 1000 messages strategically placed around the 175 D-reizen stores in The Netherlands. Every time it rains, the message: ‘Are You Also Longing for the Sun?’ is visible for the passers-by and is meant to act as a trigger, subliminally convincing the target audience that they need a holiday. Another similar campaign the agency initiated (last photo of the post) was for tire company Continental. The message “Stop Quicker with Continental Winter Tires” was displayed mainly in car parks and near car park ticket machines. Since the world is being bombarded with millions of promotional messages daily, we find this idea to be daring, creative and ultimately quite efficient. Do you share this opinion?

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